Please join Triple Canopy, publishers Fence and The Song Cave, and digital poetry journal The Claudius App for an evening of readings by poets Donald Dunbar, Jane Gregory, Joe Luna, K. Silem Mohammad, and Jacob Wren. We will be celebrating the publication of Triple Canopy's newest work of research into the intersection of contemporary art and writing, Corrected Slogans: Reading and Writing Conceptualism, as well as Jane Gregory's first full-length book, the intriguingly titled, My Enemies, and a new issue from The Claudius App.

The Harvard Advocate, founded in 1866, is the oldest continuously published collegiate literary journal in America. Readers' presentations will be following by drinks and a party in the Advocate's sanctum. Please RSVP to

And, if you are planning to attend AWP in Boston, March 6-9, please stop by Triple Canopy's table at the bookfair, booth #Z30!

  • Donald Dunbar is the author of the chapbooks You Are So Pretty (Scantily Clad Press, 2009) and Click Click (Gold Wake Press, 2010), and of Eyelid Lick (Fence Books), which won the 2012 Fence Modern Poets Series. He lives in Portland, Oregon, where he co-curates the reading series If Not For Kidnap and teaches poetry to future chefs at Oregon Culinary Institute.
  • Jane Gregory is from Tucson, Arizona. She has an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and is currently working towards a PhD from the University of California at Berkeley. She lives in Berkeley, California. Her book My Enemies was released by The Song Cave in early 2013.
  • Joe Luna lives in Brighton, UK, where he runs the Hi Zero reading series and edits Hi Zero magazine. Crater Press published the letterpress fold Google Song in November 2011; his poems have appeared in, among others, Poems, Written Between October and December 2010 (Grasp Press), The Claudius App (online), Better than Language: An Anthology of New Modernist Poetries (Ganzfeld Press), FRIENDS (Critical Documents), The Cambridge Literary Review, Sous les Pavés, Damn the Cæsars, Lana Turner, and The Death and Life of American Cities. A booklet, LVRSLVRSLVRSLVRS, was privately distributed in 2010; the .pdf epic FAILCORE is still public. A new book, ASTROTURF, is forthcoming.
  • K. Silem Mohammad is the author of The Front (Roof Books, 2009), Breathalyzer (Edge Books, 2008), A Thousand Devils (Combo Books, 2004), and Deer Head Nation (Tougher Disguises, 2003). He teaches at Southern Oregon University.
  • Lucy Ives is the author of many books of poetry and prose, including The Hermit (2016), the novella nineties (2013), and, most recently, the novel Impossible Views of the World (2017, published by Penguin Press. Her writing has appeared in Artforum, Lapham’s Quarterly, Bomb, Conjunctions, The New Yorker, and Triple Canopy, where she was an editor for several years.