As part of Swiss-German book distributor and publisher Motto's temporary storefront in downtown Brooklyn, Triple Canopy presents an evening of readings (and refreshments) with a difference.

Joe Milutis will introduce his new multimedia essay on literary minutiae, “The Quiddities,” to be published in Triple Canopy's eleventh issue. Presenting the results of a data search sure to strain the capacities of any computer, Milutis will proceed to give an exceedingly close reading of what he modestly calls “the fundamental core of all literature.” (On Sunday at 4 p.m., Milutis will be facilitating a related class at Motto Brooklyn, organized by The Public School.)

Triple Canopy editor Sam Frank will read an adaptation of issue 10's "Happy Moscow," which he isn't sure how to characterize, and maybe something more he hasn't written yet but has maybe only dreamed. Both may or may not be part of his series "Confidence," if such a thing exists, and may be worth the consideration of those to whom they may prove worth considering. "Let nature, to the perplexity of the naturalists, produce her duck-billed beavers as she may, lesser authors, some may hold, have no business to be perplexing readers with duck-billed characters. Always, they should represent human nature not in obscurity, but transparency."

Motto Brooklyn is a temporary bookstore curated by Motto Distribution (Berlin/Zurich), hosting a range of titles from select European publishers and galleries and open November 10–16, 12–7 p.m. Programs include classes organized by The Public School with AAARG and readings, talks, and performances with Meredith Tenhoor (The Center for Urban Pedagogy), Common Room, and Till Gathmann (Spector Books).
  • Joe Milutis is a writer and media artist and an assistant professor of interdisciplinary arts at the University of Washington, Bothell. He is the author of numerous multimedia essays and the book Ether: The Nothing That Connects Everything.
  • Sam Frank is a contributing editor of Triple Canopy.
  • Motto Distribution