The Berlin-based biannual magazine 032c recently launched an online archive, where you'll find one of the most extensive extant treatments of Aspen, the great magazine in a box published between 1965 and 1971. (The current issue of Triple Canopy includes three projects directly inspired by Aspen, as detailed in the note from the editors.) Emily King writes that Aspen evolved from the fifteenth annual International Design Conference Aspen; its first issue included papers from a session called “Configurations of the New World,” which aimed to determine how design could fundamentally alter, and improve, the lives of ordinary Americans. Six years later, the magazine "was finally killed off by a much more prosaic concern: that of postage. On August 20th, 1971 the US Postmaster General rejected [publisher Phyllis] Johnson’s appeal against the denial of mail privileges for the magazine. Upholding a ruling that Aspen was not sufficiently 'periodical,' the postal service withdrew the lower rates available to more conventional publications. The Postmaster took particular exception to the fact that 'each issue of Aspen is complete unto itself and bears no relation to the prior or subsequent issues' and that 'each issue of Aspen could be considered to be an independent work, capable of standing alone.'” Thankfully, those independent works can now be viewed at UbuWeb.