Triple Canopy is pleased to announce the opening of an office space and venue at 177 Livingston Street, in downtown Brooklyn. The 5,000-square-foot storefront will be operated in partnership with Light Industry and The Public School New York and will regularly host artist talks, screenings, workshops, lectures, classes, and performances. 177 Livingston will also host a library of books, magazines, artist publications, and film, video, and sound work, which will be open to the public starting in March. (Visit the 177 Livingston website for more details and a calendar of upcoming events.)

On February 20, Triple Canopy, Light Industry, and The Public School will throw a benefit party to celebrate the opening of 177 Livingston and help the organizations cover the costs of building out the space's interior, which was designed by Rachel Himmelfarb and Gabriel Fries-Briggs with support from Common Room.

The evening will begin at 8 p.m. with readings by Ed Park and Lynne Tillman. Next, there will be a rare stateside presentation of Lis Rhodes's Light Music (1975, pictured above). Rhodes's double projection is a seminal exploration of 16-mm optical sound—the on-screen abstraction is "read" by the projector as audio—and a classic of British expanded cinema. The "Anti-Matter Cabaret" of Ambergris and a set by the avant-pop ensemble Skeletons will follow, as will DJ sets by Josh Kline and Gary Murphy & Tim Lokiec.

Readings at 8, film at 9, music at 10

Very special thanks to Katie Dixon and The Downtown Brooklyn Partnership, Sébastien Venuat, and Brooklyn Brewery.
  • Ed Park is a founding editor of the Believer. He publishes the New-York Ghost, writes a monthly science-fiction column for the Los Angeles Times called Astral Weeks, and blogs at The Dizzies. His first novel, Personal Days, was published by Random House. He lives in New York City.
  • Lynne Tillman is a novelist, short-story writer, and critic. She is the author of five novels, four collections of short stories, two collections of essays, and two books of nonfiction. Her most recent novel, American Genius, a Comedy, was published by Soft Skull Press in 2006 and her second essay collection, What Would Lynne Tillman Do?, was published by Red Lemonade Press in 2014. Tillman’s writing has been widely anthologized and appeared in journals and magazines such as Tin House, Gigantic, Electric Literature, Black Clock, Bomb, and Conjunctions; her criticism has appeared in Artforum, Aperture, Nest, the Guardian, Art in America, and the Times Book Review. She writes a bimonthly column for Frieze magazine. Tillman was the fiction editor of Fence from 2004–2012. Currently, she is a contributing editor of Bomb and serves on the boards of Fence and Housing Works. She teaches in the Riggio Honors Program at the New School and in the School of Visual Art’s MFA program in Art Criticism and Writing.
  • Lis Rhodes has been at the forefront of British experimental cinema since the early 1970s, working as part of the London Filmmakers’ Co-op and later cofounding Circles, the first organization in the UK dedicated to distributing artist's film and video made by women. She lives and works in London and teaches at Slade School of Fine Art.
  • Ambergris is a band conducting spelunking tours into fluorescent lagoons of narrative imagination. Citing influences from Gilbert and Sullivan to Flipper, Ambergris has performed its “Anti-Matter Cabaret” in locations such as the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, Issue Project Room in New York, and the Fumetto Festival in Lucern, Switzerland.
  • Skeletons is a New York-based avant-pop ensemble. The band’s sixth full-length record, Money, was recently released on Tomlab.
  • The Public School
  • Common Room was established in 2006 as a space for collaboration with a focus on the built environment.