Join us on October 15 for Steady Orbits, a night of performances to benefit Triple Canopy. The evening will include an interactive scale model of the solar system by Matt Mullican; a storytelling and lightbox performance by Ellie Ga; a video program organized by curator Gary Carrion-Murayari; DJ sets by Javelin and Jon Santos; performances by the ensemble Ne(x)tworks, which will play a selection from Karlheinz Stockhausen’s Aus den sieben Tagen (1968), and the band Psychobuildings, with a set designed by Ryan Johnson and Kevin Zucker. Steady Orbits also marks the launch of Triple Canopy’s tenth issue and the magazine’s redesign.

Click here to purchase tickets online. Premier support entails a $45 donation, which grants entry at 7 p.m. and includes a limited-edition print by Dexter Sinister, cocktails, light fare, and all performances. General admission will set you back $7, grants entry at 9 p.m., and includes the Psychobuildings performance and DJ sets. If you’re unable to attend, consider making a tax-deductible donation contribution to support our artistic and literary programs.