
Triple Canopy has worked with several hundred writers, artists, researchers, activists, architects, curators, educators, lawyers, scientists, and other outstanding people whose accomplishments cannot be circumscribed by profession and whose value cannot be expressed in list form. We are extraordinarily grateful to them.

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Mika Tajima

Mika Tajima is an artist living in New York City. Her work explores the way that the built environment shapes the body and our activities and has been exhibited at Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Aspen Art Museum; Bass Museum of Art, Miami; the Kitchen, Dispatch, and Swiss Institute for Contemporary Art, New York; the Mori Art Museum and Taro Nasu, Tokyo; South London Gallery, London. Her ongoing series Negative Entropy was first exhibited at 11 Rivington in New York and is currently on view at the Gwangju Biennial. Tajima is part of the music-based performance group New Humans. Website

Lumi Tan

Lumi Tan is an assistant curator at The Kitchen in New York and associate editor of The Exhibitionist: Journal for Exhibition Making.  


Tanlines is Jesse Cohen (Professor Murder) and Eric Emm (Storm & Stress, Brothers production) playing electrified island sounds, synthesized live. Their first single, New Flowers, is out now on Young Turks. Website

Michael Tarr

Michael Tarr  

Slavs and Tatars

Slavs and Tatars is an artist collective devoted to the area east of the former Berlin Wall and west of the Great Wall of China known as Eurasia. In exhibitions, books, and lecture-performances, Slavs and Tatars mines the relationships—and unexpected affinities—between various identities, languages, and cultures. Slavs and Tatars has had solo exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art (New York City), SALT (Istanbul), and Kunsthalle Zurich, among other venues. The collective’s publications include The Contest of the Fruits (2021); Crack Up—Crack Down (2019), Mirrors for Princes (2015), and Friendship of Nations (2013). Website

Alex Tatusian

Alex Tatusian works with people, primarily in graphic design, music, film, and writing. He is a co-founder of BF Bifocals, a free graphic-design collective, and has received a degree from an accredited institution. Website

Benjamin Tausig

Benjamin Tausig is an assistant professor of music at Stony Brook University. His research focuses on sound, music, and political dissent in Southeast Asia and elsewhere. His work has appeared in Social Text, Positions: Asia Critique, and Culture, Theory, and Critique, among other journals. His first book, Bangkok Is Ringing: Sound, Protest, and Constraint, was published by Oxford University Press in 2019.  

Ben Tausig

Ben Tausig is an assistant professor of music at Stony Brook University. His research focuses on sound, music, and political dissent in Southeast Asia and elsewhere. His work has appeared in Social Text, Positions: Asia Critique, and Culture, Theory, and Critique, among other journals. His first book, Bangkok Is Ringing: Sound, Protest, and Constraint, was published by Oxford University Press in 2019. Website

Yoko Tawada

Yoko Tawada is an author who was born in Tokyo and moved to Germany in her twenties. She writes in both Japanese and German. Tawada has received the Akutagawa Prize, the Kleist Prize, the Adelbert von Chamisso Prize, the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation, and the Goethe Medal, among other awards. Among other works, she is the author of the short-story collections Where Europe Begins (2002) and Facing the Bridge (2007), as well as the novels The Naked Eye (2009), The Bridegroom Was a Dog (2012), Memoirs of a Polar Bear (2016), The Emissary (2018), which won the National Book Award, and Scattered All Over the Earth (2022), all of which were published in English by New Directions. Website

Astra Taylor

Astra Taylor is a filmmaker, writer, and organizer living in New York. Her films include What Is Democracy? (2018), an exploration of the meaning and work of democracy; Examined Life (2008), a series of excursions with contemporary thinkers; and Zizek! (2005), a documentary about the philosopher Slavoj Žižek. Taylor is the author of the forthcoming book Democracy May Not Exist, but We’ll Miss It When It’s Gone (2019), The People’s Platform: Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age (2014), and Examined Life: Excursions with Contemporary Thinkers (2009). Her writing has appeared in the Nation, the London Review of Books, n+1, and the Baffler, among other publications.  

Marvin J. Taylor

Marvin J. Taylor is director of the Fales Library and Special Collections at New York University where he founded the Downtown New York Collection in 1994. Taylor holds a BA in comparative literature and an MLS in librarianship from Indiana University and an MA in English from New York University. He has held positions at the Lilly Library, Indiana University; the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University; and the Health Sciences Library, Columbia University. Taylor’s research interests include experimental art, music, performance, and literature; gender politics; archival theory; masculinities; and queer theory.  

Allie Tepper

Allie Tepper is a writer, assistant director at Triple Canopy, and studio assistant for the artist Cory Arcangel. Previously, Allie was the Fluxus project cataloguer at the Museum of Modern Art where she helped organize the exhibition “Thing/Thought: Fluxus Editions, 1963–78,” and a curatorial assistant at the Douglas F. Cooley Memorial Art Gallery where she helped found a no-cost Calligraphy Initiative in honor of Lloyd J. Reynolds. Website

Hiroshi Teshigahara

Hiroshi Teshigahara  


test-contributor dasfdfasd  

Tom Thayer

Tom Thayer is a visual artist based in New Jersey. His work was recently included in the 2012 Whitney Biennial. He is represented by Derek Eller Gallery in New York, where his exhibition “Crossing the Methane River” was on view this past spring.  

Nine 11 Thesaurus

Nine 11 Thesaurus  

Christopher Kulendran Thomas

Christopher Kulendran Thomas is an artist whose work manipulates the structural processes by which art produces reality. In his long-term project New Eelam, he asks how, in an age of technologically accelerated dislocation, citizenship might be conceived anew beyond national boundaries. Thomas is the founder and CEO of New Eelam, a real estate technology company that is developing a flexible, subscription-based service that grants access to (and collective ownership of) a stock of housing worldwide. Thomas has had solo exhibitions at Schinkel Pavillon (Berlin), Institute for Modern Art (Brisbane), Spike Island (Bristol) and Tensta Konsthall (Stockholm). His work has been presented at the 2017 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture (Shenzhen); the Eleventh Gwangju Biennale; the Ninth Berlin Biennale; the third edition of the Dhaka Art Summit; and in exhibitions at the the De Young Museum (San Francisco), V-A-C Foundation for the 58th Venice Biennale, Tate Liverpool, the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, the Museum of Modern Art Warsaw, Hamburger Bahnhof (Berlin), New Galerie (Paris), and Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. Tate Liverpool (2013). Thomas lives and works between London and Berlin. Website

Kendall Thomas

Kendall Thomas is the Nash Professor of Law and co-founder and Director of the Center for the Study of Law and Culture at Columbia University in the City of New York. In addition to publications in academic journals and scholarly and popular anthologies, Thomas is an editor of Critical Race Theory: Key Writings that Formed the Movement (New Press, 1995), the first anthology of Critical Race Theory scholarship, and of Legge, Razza e Diritti: La Critical Race Theory negli Stati Uniti (Edizioni Diabasis, 2006). His 2005 collaboration with choreographer William Forsythe, Human Writes, has been performed to critical acclaim before audiences in several venues, including the International Theatre Festival in Istanbul, Turkey and, at the invitation of the United Nations' Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, in the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. A jazz vocalist, Thomas is currently in rehearsal for his fourth solo performance at Joe's Pub in The New York Public Theater, My Queer Jazz Songbook.  

James Merle Thomas

James Merle Thomas is a San Francisco–based writer, editor, and curator. He is currently completing a dissertation in the Department of Art History at Stanford, where he researches intersections between art, science, and politics of the cold war. He was the 2011–12 Guggenheim Predoctoral Fellow at the National Air and Space Museum at the Smithsonian Institution. Website

John Thompson

John Thompson is a writer living in Brooklyn. Website

Leslie Thornton

Leslie Thornton is an internationally acclaimed media artist whose work explores the outer parameters of ethnographic and narrative form. Her films, videos, photographs, and installations have been exhibited worldwide, in venues such as the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Museum of Modern Art, the CAPC Musée d’Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, and the Rotterdam, New York, Berlin, Toronto, Buenos Aires, and Seoul film festivals. Thornton is currently a professor in media at Brown University. Website

Matthew Thurber

Matthew Thurber  

Andrew Ti

Andrew Ti is a photographer living in Brooklyn. Website

Lynne Tillman

Lynne Tillman is a novelist, short-story writer, and critic. She is the author of five novels, four collections of short stories, two collections of essays, and two books of nonfiction. Her most recent novel, American Genius, a Comedy, was published by Soft Skull Press in 2006 and her second essay collection, What Would Lynne Tillman Do?, was published by Red Lemonade Press in 2014. Tillman’s writing has been widely anthologized and appeared in journals and magazines such as Tin House, Gigantic, Electric Literature, Black Clock, Bomb, and Conjunctions; her criticism has appeared in Artforum, Aperture, Nest, the Guardian, Art in America, and the Times Book Review. She writes a bimonthly column for Frieze magazine. Tillman was the fiction editor of Fence from 2004–2012. Currently, she is a contributing editor of Bomb and serves on the boards of Fence and Housing Works. She teaches in the Riggio Honors Program at the New School and in the School of Visual Art’s MFA program in Art Criticism and Writing.  

Wolfgang Tillmans

Wolfgang Tillmans is an artist whose practice has been widely influential to subsequent generations of artists who share his interest in criticizing social values and hierarchies through photography. His first New York solo museum exhibition was hosted by P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center in New York in 2006, and preceded a touring retrospective organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago and the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. Since 2006, Tillmans has operated the nonprofit Between Bridges in London and Berlin, which has exhibited work by David Wojnarowicz, Charlotte Posenenske, and Charles Henri Ford, among others. He maintains a deep commitment to print media and has published artist’s books and monographs with Hatje Cantz, Taschen, and Walther König. His work is held by numerous museums including Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; and the Tate, London. He is represented in New York by David Zwirner Gallery, where “PCR” was on view in 2015.  

Jennifer Tipton

Jennifer Tipton  


Tiqqun is a French collective of authors and activists formed in 1999. The group published two journal volumes in 1999 and 2001 (in which the collective author “The Invisible Committee” first appeared), as well as the books Théorie du Bloom and Théorie de la jeune fille. Website

Benjamin Tiven

Benjamin Tiven is an artist and writer living in New York. Website

Title TK

Title TK Title TK (Howie Chen, Cory Arcangel & Alan Licht) is a banter-prone band that has been described as “a cross between David Antin and Spinal Tap.”  

Karen Tongson

Karen Tongson is the author of Relocations: Queer Suburban Imaginaries (NYU Press, 2011) and a professor of English, gender studies and American studies and ethnicity at the University of Southern California. She has a forthcoming book from ForEdge Press called Why Karen Carpenter Matters, and two other books in progress: Normal Television: Critical Essays on Queer Spectatorship after the “New Normalcy,” and Empty Orchestra: Karaoke in Our Time.  

Josh Tonsfeldt

Josh Tonsfeldt  

Josh Tonsfeldt

Josh Tonsfeldt is an artist who lives in Red Hook, New York. His work has recently been shown at the DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum (Massachusetts), Simon Preston (New York City), Raucci/Santamaria (Milan), the Parrish Art Museum (New York), and Mendes Wood DM (Sao Paulo), and featured in Flash Art. His work will be on view at the MCA Chicago in the summer of 2018 as part of “I Was Raised on the Internet.” Website

Dan Torop

Dan Torop lives and works in New York City. He works with lenses, film, paper, words, vehicles, and computer languages. In 2013 Torop showed Alkali Desert, an exhibition that retraced Mark Twain’s 1861 journey across Utah’s alkali desert, at the Green Gallery in Milwaukee. Alkali Desert was also on display at the Center for Land Use Interpretation’s Wendover Exhibit Hall One in 2012. Website

Mónica de la Torre

Mónica de la Torre is the author of six books of poetry, including, most recently, The Happy End/All Welcome (Ugly Duckling Presse) and Feliz año nuevo, a volume of selected poetry translated into Spanish by Cristián Gómez (Luces de Gálibo). Born and raised in Mexico City, she translates poetry, writes about art, and is a contributing editor to BOMB Magazine. She teaches in the Literary Arts program at Brown University. Website

Isaac Torres

Isaac Torres is an artist living in Mexico City. His work focuses on the relationship between architecture, history, politics, and memory. He is the editor of the magazine El Asunto Urbano and is responsible for the International Art Residencies Program at Centro ADM. His book Siete proyectos sobre la ciudad de México was published in 2014.  

Julio Torres

Julio Torres is a comedian and writer who was born in El Salvador and lives in New York. He currently writes for Saturday Night Live and makes regular appearances on Jimmy Kimmel Live! As a comedian, Torres was named a New Face of the Montreal Comedy Festival, a Comedy Central Comic to Watch, and a finalist for Standup NBC. His work has been praised by the New York Times, GQ, Out, and New York Magazine. He currently is cowriting, coproducing, and starring in Los Espookys, a Spanish-language series to be aired on HBO.  

Rodrigo Toscano

Rodrigo Toscano is author of Explosion Rocks Springfield, Deck of Deeds, Collapsible Poetics Theater (National Poetry Series 2007), To Leveling Swerve, Platform, Partisans, and The Disparities. His poetry has appeared in Best American Poetry, Diasporic Avante-Gardes (Experimental Poetics and Cultural Displacement), and in the anthology, Against Expression. He was a recipient of a New York State Fellowship for the Arts in Poetry. Toscano has been involved in labor movement politics for over fifteen years. He lives in New Orleans, Louisiana.  

Meline Toumani

Meline Toumani is a writer based in Brooklyn. From 2007 to 2009 she lived and worked in Turkey and traveled frequently to Armenia. Her stories and essays have appeared in the New York Times, the Nation, n+1, Salon, and other publications. Her first book is a reflection on how history is written and remembered. Website

The Tourettes

The Tourettes broke your heart nearly fifty years ago, when they came on the da-doo-ron-ron-core scene with their relatively flat hair and voices, and a boundless enthusiasm for a world you, as a sheltered and joyless Boomer teen, could have hardly imagined. Now that you’ve grown up, test the seams that you’ve carefully stitched around your heart as these surprisingly youthful-looking grandmas take the stage again, yelping and crunching and clapping through the wreckage of your adolescence.  

Jeremy Toussaint-Baptiste

Jeremy Toussaint-Baptiste is a New York-based artist, composer, and performer. His work considers errant relations that thrive across subjectivities. He has recently had solo exhibitions at the Institute for Contemporary Art at Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond), Human Resources (Los Angeles), and Berlin Atonal (Berlin). He is represented by Martos Gallery (New York City). He has presented visual and performance work at MoMA PS1 (New York City); Performance Space New York; the Brooklyn Museum; the Kitchen (New York City); Issue Project Room (New York City); the Studio Museum in Harlem; and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Toussaint-Baptiste is a founding member of the performance collective Wildcat!. He has been an artist in residence at Issue Project Room, the Bemis Center, the Jerome Foundation Airspace Residency at Abrons Arts Center, and the Rauschenberg Foundation, and has been named a Camargo Foundation Core Program Fellow and received a Bessie Award for Outstanding Music Composition and Sound Design. Website

Anthony Tran

Anthony Tran is an artist and former editorial technologist of Triple Canopy. He was born in New York City and raised at the Hotel Carter. Website

Jules Treneer

Jules Treneer is the Western European correspondent for the Faster Times. His work has appeared in the New York Sun, the Rumpus, Snorkel, and n+1. Website

Romy Treneer

Romy Treneer is a photographer based in Paris. Website

Triple Canopy

Triple Canopy is a magazine based in New York. Website

Hovhannes Tumanyan

Hovhannes Tumanyan was an Armenian writer of poetry and fiction. He died in 1923. Website

Ted Turner

Ted Turner  


TZECHAR are artists who paint audio and visual experiences, paying attention to relationships and culture in a current world where technological waves exist.  
