…ment, a publishing initiative that operates at the intersection of culture, art, and politics, presents a reading and a lecture-performance to celebrate the New York launch of its third issue, which focuses on authorship.

Artist Erica Baum presents a silent screening of poems from her “Frick” series, in which images become single lines of text. Alexander Provan and Clara Meister will read Raymond Queneau’s “Exercises in Style,” ninety-nine retellings of the same story, following Erasmus. Federica Bueti will present a version of her contribution to the issue, “Mr. Who, Miss What and the Auctus Disease.”

Issue 3 of …ment investigates current debates and practices that engage with the concept of authorship and its relation to contemporary forms of cultural resistance. The journal looks at subjects such as intellectual property, collectivity, knowledge production, and technology, and asks how they might be reevaluated as part of an effort to change current modes of cultural production. Considering the hyper-professionalization of creativity, the stifling international copyright regime, and related issues of ownership, data protection, and information regulation, …ment reprises familiar questions: What is an author, and how do we understand the politics of authorship?

Contributors to issue 3 of …ment include Erica Baum, Gavin Brown, Federica Bueti, Federico Campagna, Övül Dormusoglu, Freee, Marc Garrett, Pedro Neves-Marques, Joseph Redwood-Martinez, Vanessa Place, Jan Verwoert, and Caleb Waldorf.

…ment consists of a biannual journal and a series of collaborations with cultural agents and institutions. Based in Berlin and London, …ment is directed by Federica Bueti, Benoit Loiseau, and Clara Meister.
  • Erica Baum lives and works in New York. She has had solo exhibitions at Bureau, New York; Lüttgenmeijer, Berlin; and Circuit, Lausanne. Past group exhibitions include “Subject, Index,” at Malmö Konstmuseum, Sweden. Her work will be included in the upcoming group exhibition “Postscript: Writing after Conceptual Art,” at the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver, and the 2012 São Paulo Bienal. Her work was included in the book Vitamin Ph: New Perspectives in Photography, edited by T. J. Demos (Phaidon Press, 2006). Her artist’s books include Dog Ear (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2011), with essays by Kenneth Goldsmith and Beatrice Gross, Sightings (onestar press, 2011), and Bbabaubaumbaudevin (Regency Arts Press, 2012).
  • Alexander Provan is the editor of Triple Canopy and a contributing editor of Bidoun. He is the recipient of a 2015 Creative Capital | Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant and was a 2013–15 fellow at the Vera List Center for Art and Politics. His writing has appeared in the Nation, n+1Art in AmericaArtforumFrieze, and in several exhibition catalogues. His work has been presented at the 14th Istanbul Biennial, Museum Tinguely (Basel), 12th Bienal de Cuenca (Ecuador), New Museum (New York), Kunsthall Oslo, and Hessel Museum of Art (Annandale-on-Hudson, New York), among other venues. Measuring Device with Organs was recently published by Triple Canopy as an LP.