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  • MPWU Remix

The audio included above attempts to show not only the lecture and the subsequent afterparty of “Music and Pyrrhonism Without Us” but also the Pyrrhonism inherent to the conditions of the event itself. Given two dyadic event conditionals—audience vs. lecturer and event vs. document—and the propositional content of the lecture, the included audio functions in accordance with the Pyrrhonian equipollence and suspension of such conditionals by synchronously presenting both the recorded lecture and the afterparty. On its playback, one might thereby appropriately suspend one’s belief rather than disbelief toward the audio as sufficient document. —Kieran Daly

“MPWU Remix” was published as part of Triple Canopy’s Immaterial Literature project area, which receives support from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Brown Foundation, Inc., of Houston, the Lambent Foundation Fund of Tides Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, and the New York State Council on the Arts.

With Kieran Daly 7:30pm Capri Social Club Free

This holiday season, join Triple Canopy at Capri Social Club, aka Irene's Pub, for a presentation by 2014 commission recipient Kieran Daly, followed by a party. At 8 p.m. Daly will deliver a lecture that revisits Sextus Empiricus’ overlooked ancient text Against the Musicians through a synthesis of François Laruelle's Non-Philosophy, contemporary music theory and practice, and extant scholarship on Pyrrhonian skepticism.

Daly writes, “Denigrations of Pyrrhonism spanning from ancient to contemporary philosophy suggest it is not livable for a person in any way, and that the Pyrrhonist is more like a plant, animal, or some other non-human. Nevertheless, ‘Music and Pyrrhonism Without Us’ attempts to offer a modest updating of Against the Musicians for its potential contemporary musical or non-musical usage. The formal and abstract nature of Pyrrhonism will be emphasized, in order to mitigate the rampant phenomenological and empiricist bias of most musical practice, in addition to the more general ethical imperative we all face to ‘make a difference’ or ‘have an effect.’”

Background music will be provided all night by Apsirs and Skylark Quartet, and drinks will be available at the bar.

  • Kieran Daly is a writer and musician from Florida. Their recent publications include BGM MNAR (Futow) and 7 Closet Dramas (Gauss PDF). Past performances have been hosted by the Poetry Project, the Segue Reading Series, Poets Theater at SPT, and the Museum of Modern Art.