Triple Canopy is pleased to present an evening of performance and reading with poets Caroline Bergvall and Macgregor Card.

Bergvall’s tongue trips over a lost letter of the English alphabet in her performance, “Ping.” In Bergvall’s mouth, the “thorn”—a runic sign, Þ, representing a distinct “th“ sound and now fallen into disuse—becomes an anachronistic interruption (a Þing), a bodily impediment (an oversized “tooth”), and an accidental implement of writing. Bergvall’s project was inspired by The Seafarer, an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poem from the 10th century. An iteration of this work, along with an animation by Ciarán Maher, will appear in issue 17 of Triple Canopy and forms part of Triple Canopy’s four-part program, Corrected Slogans, a collaboration with the upcoming exhibition “Postscript: Writing after Conceptual Art,” at the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver.

Card is a poet of sonic ecstasis who employs revised ballad form, refrain, surrealist lament, gentle stammer. Drawing on the matter of poetry’s past as well as the stuff of contemporary idiom, Card writes across various Englishes (and poetries, English and otherwise). His poems do not so much rhyme as ring: with insistently repeated words, parapraxes, and audible punctuation. He will read from recent work.
  • Caroline Bergvall is a writer and artist of French-Norwegian origins and currently based in London. She works across art forms, media, and languages, and her projects alternate between books, audio pieces, collaborative performances, and language installations. For 2012-2013, Bergvall was awarded the Judith Wilson Fellowship in Poetry and Drama from the University of Cambridge. Her most recent book is Meddle English (Nightboat, 2011), and her DVD compilation Gh<>st Pieces: Four Language-Based Installations was just published by John Hansard Gallery. A new collection, Drift, will be released in April 2014 through Nightboat.
  • Macgregor Card is a poet, translator, and bibliographer living in Jackson Heights, NYC. His first collection, Duties of an English Foreign Secretary, was the winner of the 2009 Fence Modern Poet Series. His chapbook, The Archers, was published by Song Cave. With Andrew Maxwell he was co-editor of The Germ: A Journal of Poetic Research, from 1997-2005, and is currently a co-curator of Brooklyn’s Private Line Reading Series. He teaches poetry at Pratt Institute and is an associate editor of the MLA International Bibliography.